Event: CAPErsona Chats

C.A.P.E.rsona Chats: Episode 5, Successful but “Still Single”, December 16th, 2021 4:00 PM EST

Posted On December 14th, 2021

I can not let 2021 end without one more episode of C.A.P.E.rsona Chats! Join Julian and I as we talk about the three stigmas we’ve experienced the most as women that are “Successful” but “Still Single”. 

And I’m pretty sure you’ll be surprised to hear who gives us the most ‘grief’: men or women; family or co-workers; other singles or married folks? 

Trust me, you do not want to miss this one!

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C.A.P.E.rsona Chats: Episode 4, Three Quick Tips to Rebuild your Confidence

Posted On July 15th, 2021

It’s not February, but love is definitely in the air. Self-love that is 💜. And I’m talking about the kind that will make you glow from the inside out! 💫

We all know why it’s so important to take care of our own happy – first and always. (After all, if we don’t do it, who will?) But I’ve recently come to believe that at the root of all happiness…is confidence. And in episode four of C.A.P.E.rsona Chats, I will reunite with Ms. Halana to share “3 Quick Tips to (Re)Build Confidence.” 💫

Make sure you join us for a candid and transparent discussion about how we can improve the way we treat and talk to the person we see in the mirror. So go ahead and take that CAPE OFF and get comfortable – this is an episode you do not want to miss!

Join us WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 2021 AT 5:30 AM EDT

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C.A.P.E.rsona Chats: Episode 3, June 15th, 2021 6:30 PM

Posted On June 4th, 2021

The Power of Knowing Your Influence. I would bet that every last one of us is guilty of underestimating our influence. Both within our immediate circle and beyond. In our third episode of C.A.P.E.rsona Chats, Julian and I will discuss why there is so much power in knowing the full range of our influence – and the responsibilities that come with that knowledge. I’ll also tell you about a ‘new’ skill that I’m honing during those precious moments that I find to TAKE THAT CAPE OFF!

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C.A.P.E.rsona Chats: Episode 2, May 18th, 2021 6:30 PM

Posted On April 15th, 2021

Julian and I can’t thank each of you enough for making the very first episode of C.A.P.E.rsona Chats such a success! I honestly could not think of a better person to help me formally introduce my new ventures to the world. BUT NOW I’M BACK WITH EPISODE TWO. And joining me is my very special guest, Ms. Halana Rideau, Certified Family Nurse Practitioner. Let me tell you, talk about wearing a cape for a living, Halana does that AND SO MUCH MORE! Be sure to join us on May 18th at 6:30PM EST as we continue the conversation on why it’s oh so important to find time to TAKE THAT CAPE OFF!

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C.A.P.E.rsona Chats: Episode 1, April 13th, 2021 6:30 PM

Posted On March 29th, 2021

If you feel both empowered and weary from carrying out your everyday superhero responsibilities, then I invite you to join me for the very first episode of C.A.P.E.rsona Chats. In this episode I’ll talk about why it’s perfectly ok to be proud that you have a cape to wear in the first place and at the same time know that sometimes you need to TAKE THAT CAPE OFF – especially when it begins to drain you of the very power it was supposed to create. That’s right, there’s a time and place for all personas. And the cape persona is no different. During this first chat, I’ll also talk about the personal and professional circumstances that led to the creation of my organization, Pamper. Purpose. Service., LLC. And of course we’ll chat about my debut novella, “A Table for One.” I know you’re probably thinking ‘that’s a whole lot to cover in twenty minutes’ haha. But I got a funny feeling that my host Julian and I will make the time go by really fast! See you soon!

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