What is Pamper. Purpose. Service?
Pamper. Purpose. Service., LLC strives to encourage and empower every individual to create and maintain their own personal universe of happiness, fulfillment, and peace. P.P.S. reminds us that we alone are accountable for the ways in which we treat ourselves, honor our passions and share our unique talents with others in our community.
Be kind to yourself, first and always. It is up to each of us to be consistent, intentional and deliberate in the ways in which we cater to our own happiness or in other words, how we pamper ourselves.
Live in your purpose no matter what. Whatever that thing is that makes you excited, that makes your eyes light up, that makes your heart grin from corner to corner – do THAT thing. It’s a pretty good chance that is your purpose.
Share your talent with your community. Service is not measurable by the scale of the impact but in the sincerity of one’s effort. My mother would always tell me, love is an action word. And so is service. And the moment that you put service into a cause that you love and are passionate about, I promise that you will feel the impact immediately. And in due time, so will your community.
Join Our Community
Our mission at Pamper. Purpose. Service. is to encourage and empower. We welcome you to join our community and be part of our conversations. Membership is totally free, and signing up only takes a few minutes.